Do you want to find the top WooCommerce dropshipping plugins?

Throughout this article, we've gathered seven fantastic tools to assist you in setting up a dropshipping business using WooCommerce. Several of these plugins let you link to Aliexpress as well.

In general, WooCommerce lacks the functionality required to run a successful dropshipping operation.

Fortunately, there are numerous good WooCommerce dropshipping plugins available to fill that need. These plugins enable you to manage a dropshipping business while providing your consumers with a consistent user experience.

AliExpress's dropshipping nirvana, whereas others allow you to deal with independent distributors or even other item sources.

What is dropshipping?

Best Woocommerce Dropshipping Apps in 2023

Dropshipping is a kind of online business in which the items are not kept in stock by an eCommerce retailer. It instead fills orders by acquiring things from merchants and sending them straight to clients.

Dropshipping has emerged as a prominent option to create revenue online due to its cheap overhead. There are several locations where you may locate items supplied by third-party suppliers that are eager to distribute them straight to your clients.

You may even have those items supplied with your logo & packaging. This helps you to establish brand awareness & grow your eCommerce business over time.

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Let's now quickly check out some latest Woocommerce dropshipping plugins

1. WooCommerce Dropshipping

Best Woocommerce Dropshipping Apps in 2023

This is a prominent WooCommerce dropshipping plugin that can assist you in managing your WooCommerce store more easily. This plugin will assist you in managing your dropshipping business as well as importing goods from specific providers. It also allows you to send notifications to certain vendors whenever one of their items is purchased. Furthermore, the plugin gives straightforward choices for assigning an item to the supplier.

2. Spocket for WooCommerce

Best Woocommerce Dropshipping Apps in 2023

Using Spocket services, you will be able to construct a WooCommerce dropshipping business with items from suppliers in the United States and Europe. This plugin makes it simple to import items from reputable vendors and even manage orders. The biggest benefit of having suppliers in the United States & Europe is that you will receive far faster delivery for clients in these locations. Spocket may be integrated with your WooCommerce store using the free WordPress plugin.

3. AliDropship WooCommerce Dropshipping Plugin

Best Woocommerce Dropshipping Apps in 2023

This is an intriguing plugin that will offer you a wide range of choices for managing your WooCommerce dropshipping shop. This extension will assist you in not only swiftly importing items but also in speedier order handling & efficiency tracking. You will indeed be able to choose your items from a huge pool of dropshipping products accessible on AliExpress. Furthermore, you can share order details with your suppliers with a single click. Ultimately, the plugin will help you increase your earnings with less time and human work.

4. DropshipMe

Best Woocommerce Dropshipping Apps in 2023

It differs from AliDropship & WooDropship in that it uses a variety of specifically selected drop shippers rather than simply AliExpress. DropshipMe employs a selected list of items and vendors, so you have fewer options, but those suppliers have been evaluated for dependability and should perform well.

The plugin is completely free and displays thousands of goods from hundreds of categories. Instead of paying for the plugins, you pay for 'packages' that include a certain amount of goods you sell. It's a complicated system, but you become accustomed to it.

Aside from that, the plugin functions similarly to the others. Install, configure, add items, and establish profit margins, and you're ready to start.

5. Spreadr

Best Woocommerce Dropshipping Apps in 2023

This is a unique WooCommerce dropshipping plugin since it is not intended to be a comprehensive shop plugin. To utilize the plugin, you must have a current site with existing content. As a result, this plugin is better suited for websites that wish to add a shop as an extra feature instead of dedicated online marketplaces.

Spreadr utilizes Amazon in one of two methods to fulfill orders. You may operate it as a typical Amazon Affiliate and get the most money while performing the least amount of work, or you can use a classic dropshipping arrangement and increase your earnings with a bit more effort.

The rest is simple. Sign up for the appropriate selling option & start adding items using the plugins & product URL. The remainder is handled by Amazon.

6. Dropified

Best Woocommerce Dropshipping Apps in 2023

Dropfied integrates easily with WooCommerce to give a practical dropshipping plugin that fulfills orders via AliExpress & others. It also makes use of the Chrome extension, which allows you to easily add AliExpress goods to your website with a click of the mouse.

For an even more comprehensive approach, Dropified also handles eBay, Amazon, Costco, and more than a hundred more drop shippers. You may add goods using the plugin & instantly list them. There's also a significant research tool that allows you to extensively investigate items to sell merely the most trendy or profitable ones.

Order fulfillment is automated, as well as the plugin even contains an image editor for customizing often dubious product photos.

7. Printful

Best Woocommerce Dropshipping Apps in 2023

Printful is a unique WooCommerce dropshipping plugin since it focuses on printed items. Items include such printed mugs, t-shirts, and hoodies, as well as other things that may be printed & shipped by dropshipper from US & EU regions.

Printful is a print-on-demand printing business that offers a variety of printed items for resale in your store. Because there are so many specialized settings, setup will take some time, but once completed, you can let the plugins handle all.

The selection is restricted in comparison to other eCommerce possibilities, however, Printful stands out in terms of print quality. Any reviews can tell you how wonderful the quality is.


This post should have helped you become acquainted with WooCommerce dropshipping plugins. You can put your hands on any of these plugins. The list and a little glimpse we have given to you. Just make sure you visit their website and get more details before incorporating these plugins into your dropshipping business.