November 26, 2022

How to create an app like Forever21

Forever 21 is a fast-fashion brand that caters to the youth. Ever since it was established in 1984, Forever 21 has grown organically to become one of the biggest apparel brands in the US. It has hundreds of stores in the US and elsewhere with a hugely successful business model.

You too could replicate Forever 21’s success by creating an e-commerce app that sells fast fashion apparel to the youth. In this tutorial, we’ll use the no-code app builder Swipecart to help you create an app like Forever21 yourself without any professional help. Let’s start-

Here’s a detailed video tutorial for creating your mobile app with Swipecart.

By creating your mobile app with our Drag and Drop App Builder Swipecart, you can get where your customers want you to be on their smartphone screens.

Steps to create an app like Forever 21:

First and foremost, you need to install Swipecart from the Shopify app store and WordPress plugin center. Once you sign up and activate it, you’ll be taken to your dashboard.

Creating a Layout on Swipecart

  • On the dashboard, click on the layout tab from the left menu.

  • Click on the ‘Create Layout’ icon as we’re making an app from scratch.

  • Clicking on “Create Layout” will open a popup. Name your app ‘Forever 21’ & click on "create".

  • Now, you’ll be asked to choose a layout. Swipecart allows you to select pre-made layouts or make one from scratch. As we’re making a new app, click on ‘Blank Layout’.

  • You’ll be taken to your layout dashboard with the default tab “Theme Settings”. The primary function of “Theme Settings” is to customize the app's look. It has multiple options to set branding elements for your app.

  • Let's start with App Bar Settings

  • App Bar Settings-Here, you can customize the app bar that remains constant wherever you go on the app. To know what you can do with this, click here.

  • Next, customize the look of the side menu, bottom bar, user profile page, and input style (welcome/sign-in page). For all these, go to the respective tabs on the left menu. A set of readymade templates are available for each. Select an option from the variants and save it to the app.

  • Theme style settings- Here, you can manage and edit the fonts, colors, and app loaders for a universal app usage experience. To know more about this, click here.

  • Here’s what the draft app would look like after these settings.


Designing the home screen

  • Let's begin adding content to the home page now. Click on the "Home" tab next to "Theme Settings". A blank home screen layout with the app bar and bottom bar is displayed.

  • Swipecart has pre-coded UI components turned into visual widgets. We drag and drop these inside the home screen. Let's see how it is to be done to create the Forever 21 app. Know more on widgets here.

  • Collection Slider: Let's add a collection slider to the home screen layout. Locate a drop-down box next to the home screen.

  • Select "Collection Slider" from the widget list. Different variants are displayed just below the drop-down box.

  • Drag and drop the one you like into the home screen layout. To know more about collection sliders, click here.

  • Upon hovering on the dropped collection slider, you will find the ‘Add/Edit Content’ option. In the popup that appears, add the image and links you'd want to showcase. To know more about the ‘Add/Edit content’ feature, click here.

  • Once you’re done with adding the image and link, hover again on the slider to find the ‘Edit Style’ option. This allows you to customize the widget’s look. For more information, click here.

  • Here's a mobile preview with the collection slider.

  • Single Banner: You can use single banners to highlight important messages such as offers, sales, new launches, and discounts to your customers. To add it to the home screen, select "Single Banner" from the drop-down widget list.

  • Place one style variant on the app's home screen. Click here for more information on single banners.

  • Use the 'Add/Edit Content' option to add images and links. When done, use the 'Edit Style' option to customize the single banners.

  • Here's a preview of the app with a single banner.

  • Banner Grid-Using this widget, you display the banners in a grid format. Select "Banner Grid" from the widget list. Place one from among the different style variants inside the app's home screen layout. click here, to know more about banner grids.

  • Use the 'Add/Edit Content' option to add images and links. When done, use the 'Edit Style' option to customize the banner grid.

  • This is how the banner grid would look on the app.

  • Product Slider: Similar to the collection slider, you could use the product slider to showcase your star products.

  • Select the right product slider design from the widget library and drop it into the draft app layout. For more information about this, click here.

  • Use the 'Add/Edit Content' option to add images and links. When done, use the 'Edit Style' option to customize the product sliders.

  • Here is a preview of the completed app.

  • Add another product slider to the app

  • Besides this, you could add widgets like a Banner Grid, Banner Slider, Collection Grid, Product List, Search, single banner, Carousel Banners, and Timer.

  • After you’ve added all the widgets, links, and images to your app, here’s what the draft Forever 21 app would look like

I bet anyone could’ve made this app, and that too within a few hours! Swipecart has made it super-easy to create a mobile app yourself without any coding experience. You also get to create the app within your means, which is capable of standing up to your competition.

If you have any queries about Swipecart, feel free to Contact Us.