
Address Autocomplete

Capture accurate app users’ addresses for increased business efficiency and improved user experience. Ensure an easy and fast checkout process for customers. Reduce cart abandonment rates by decreasing user fatigue during onboarding or checkout processes.

Address AutocompleteAddress AutocompleteAddress Autocomplete

What is Address Autocomplete?

This application feature automatically locates and suggests street addresses for a user when they type their address for billing and shipping information during checkout.

Its auto-completion feature reduces the number of keystrokes needed to type in the address, minimizes user typo mistakes, and makes the data submission faster and more accurate.

How it works?

Google’s Address Autocomplete helps users to auto-fill addresses, preventing typing errors. For businesses, it avoids poor data quality and the cost of missed deliveries, improving business efficiency.

  • Eliminate keystrokes & typographical errors

  • Automatically capture user location

  • Suggests locations when customers start entering the address

  • Standardize addresses to the local postal authority format

  • Auto fills all address fields including street address, country, and postcode

  • Validate that an address is actual and mailable

  • Limit invalid entries

How Address Autocomplete will help you?

Integrate Address Autocomplete with your Swipecart app to simplify the checkout process for app users and save time by completing their transactions.

  • Save customers’ time to complete the transaction

  • Make the checkout process easy for customers

  • Minimize the chances of missed deliveries & return shipments

  • Improve business efficiency