
Recharge Subscriptions

Convert one-time orders into subscriptions to grow your recurring revenue and customer average lifetime value. Set subscription plans for customers and help them to subscribe to memberships or products they need to reorder repeatedly.

Recharge SubscriptionsRecharge SubscriptionsRecharge Subscriptions

What is Recharge Subscriptions?

Recharge Subscriptions, an all-in-one subscription management tool, offers features to provide & manage subscription billing on your app. Empower customers to view and manage their subscription information themselves easily.

Gain actionable insights into customers, products, and revenue metrics to optimize your subscription business.

How it works

Give customers the flexibility to manage their orders by making changes to their subscriptions, updating their billing information, and viewing their order schedules and purchase history.

  • Allow customers to personalize their product bundle

  • Combine multiple products into one curated box

  • Sell bundles as one-time purchases or subscriptions

  • Allow customers to manage subscriptions seamlessly

  • Cross-sell by providing options to customize the next order

  • Upsell by providing the ability to upgrade subscriptions

  • Recharge SMS to allow subscribers to modify orders, set reminders, & more.

  • Customize the subscription page to suit your app branding

  • Measure AOVs, total refunds, churn rates, sales, and other KPIs.

How Recharge Subscriptions will help you?

Integrate Recharge Subscriptions with your Swipecart app to build and scale your subscription revenue stream.

  • Reduce churn rate

  • Increase average order value

  • Increase customer lifetime value

  • Enhance customer shopping experiences

  • Boost customer loyalty