Back in stock
Notify shoppers when items are back in stock and improve retention rates. Send back-in-stock alerts to inform your subscribers that the product they were interested in is back again. You can boost the sales potential of your app.

What is a Back In Stock?
Back-in-stock alerts notify customers when an out-of-stock item they previously expressed interest in is back in stock again. This encourages customers to return & complete their transaction.
Back-in-stock notifications help to maintain initial client interest. Getting people to sign up for these notifications creates the expectation that the item will be refilled shortly and they will be able to obtain it.
How does it work?
Send personalized “back-in-stock” notifications to customers who opt-in. Respond to customers’ intent through reminders for restocked products.
Drive more customers through reminders
Improve customer return rates
Personalize notifications to build loyalty
How will Back In Stock help you?
Integration of the Back in Stock plugin with your Swipecart app will help you in recovering your lost revenue and marketing spend.
Send a Back in stock notification
Get a chance to recover the lost opportunity by alerting interested clients
Increasing your customers base