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이집트의 정교회 전화번호 리스트

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데이터 업데이트 날짜: December 1, 2024
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Qena Diocese of the Coptic OrthodoxAddress전화
كنيسة الشهيد مارمينا والبابا كيرلس السادس بمغاغة إيبارشيه مغاغة و العدوةAddress전화
كنيسة ماربطرس الرسول بدلجاAddress전화
Church of the Great Martyr George Umm Henan Iibarchip and slapped accessoriesAddress전화
Church of the Great Martyr George Bbacos Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate in AlexandriaAddress전화
Church of St. Mary and St. John the BelovedAddress전화
St Mary Church El Asafra AlexandriaAddress전화
كنيسة السيدة العذراء مريم والبابا كيرلس السادس بالزوايدةAddress전화
يركية الأقباط الأرثوذكسAddress전화
Church of the Great Martyr Philopater Mercurius (Abo Sefein Church), MohandeseenAddress전화
St George Church AgouzaAddress전화
Saint Mary Church - OmraniaAddress전화
Diocese Great Martyr St. George in GizaAddress전화
Blessed Virgin Mary Church and Anba Abram FaisalAddress전화
Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in El DokkyAddress전화
St. Mary Garden City ChurchAddress전화
Historical Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Mostorod - كنيسة العذراء الأثريه بمسطردAddress전화
Church of The Great Martyr Saint GeorgeAddress전화
مقر دير الانبا بيشوي بالازبكيةAddress전화
كنيسة العذراء - العزباويةAddress전화
St Mark Church ShoubraAddress전화
Services Building of The Great Martyr George Church, El Gioushy South ShubraAddress전화
Church of the Saint MinaAddress전화
St. Philopater Mercurius & St. Demiana Church, Port SaidAddress전화
Church of Saint Mark the ApostleAddress전화
Church of The Martyr St DemianaAddress전화
كنيسة السيدة العذراء مريم بالقناطر الخيرية إيبارشيه شبرا الخيمة و توابعهاAddress전화
كنيسة القديسان البابا كيرلس السادس و الارشدياكون حبيب جرجس إيبارشيه شبرا الخيمة و توابعهاAddress전화
Blessed Virgin Mary Church Pope endowmentAddress전화
Deir Mawas christian cemeteryAddress전화
Church of the Great Martyr George Renaissance Iibarchip lake and Marsa Matrouh and the five western citiesAddress전화
Church of Blessed Virgin Mary and Pope KyrillosAddress전화
Church of Archangel Michael, Mustafa Kamel كنيسة رئيس الملائكة الجليل ميخائيل…Address전화
كنيسة السيدة العذراء مريم و الشهيد ابوسيفين بعبد القادر بحرى إيبارشية البحيرة و مرسى مطروح و الخمس مدن الغربيةAddress전화
Church of Anba Moussa Alaswad - Al BangarAddress전화
مركز شمس البر - ShamsselberAddress전화
كنيسة الملاك غبريال والشهيد مارمينا بهور إيبارشية ملويAddress전화
Saint George Coptic Orthodox Church - كنيسة الشهيد العظيم مارجرجس ببورسعيدAddress전화
Church of St Mark in El MansheyaAddress전화
Church of Archangel Sorial and the Martyr Saint Mina, in El OmraneyaAddress전화
كنيسه القديس العظيم ابا هور وأبا فيس بنزله رومانAddress전화
Church of The Blessed Virgin Mary in Begam Shubra Al KheimahAddress전화
Church of the Great Martyr St George in El Bayadeyah Malawi MeniaAddress전화
Blessed Virgin Mary Church of the Diocese of Hawamdya Tamouh and accessoriesAddress전화
Church of Virgin Mary and Archangel MichaelAddress전화
Church of the Great Martyr George Bottsa station Iibarchip SamaloutAddress전화
Bashnona ChurchAddress
جمعية التراث القبطىAddress
St. philopateer Coptic Orthodox Church, HelwanAddress
Abou Seifain ChurchAddress

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74%마케팅 비용 감소

이집트에는 1043개의 정교회가 있습니다.

이집트의 정교회의 전화번호 리스트은 구매하거나 샘플 데이터를 다운로드하여 얻을 수 있습니다.

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이집트의 정교회의 전화번호 리스트은 $299입니다.