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Number of Northbridge Insurance locations in CANADA

Data updated on April 26, 2023
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Top States with the most Northbridge Insurance locations:



Location (89%)


Population: 14.76M
A location for every 1229600 people, with about 89% of the total number of Northbridge Insurance locations


Location (10%)


Population: 8.58M
A location for every 1715188 people, with about 10% of the total number of Northbridge Insurance locations

How many Northbridge Insurance locations are there in CANADA?

There are a total of 500 nbins locations in CANADA as of April 26, 2023 The city with the most number of Northbridge Insurance locations in the CANADA is Toronto with 38 locations, which is 8% of all nbins locations in CANADA.


Northbridge Insurance Locations




Download Northbridge Insurance Store Locations Dataset

You can download the full database of Northbridge Insurance locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide

Arthur J. Gallagher Canada Limited 80 Richmond Street West, Suite 700 Toronto ONTARIOM5H2A4 CANADA******364-0393 43.651232-79.382319https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000
HUB International HKMB Limited 595 Bay Street, Suite 900, Box 81 Toronto ONTARIOM5G2E3 CANADA******597-0008 43.6561838-79.3830938https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000
HUB International Ontario Limited 900-595 Bay St., Box 81 Toronto ONTARIOM5G2E3 CANADA******367-1598 43.6562198-79.3832909https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000
HUB International Ontario Limited 595 Bay Street, Suite 900, Box 81 Toronto ONTARIOM5G2E3 CANADA******597-0008 43.6562199-79.3832908https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000
Can-Sure Underwriting 2760 - 333 Bay Street Toronto ONTARIOM5H2R2 CANADA******342-1880 43.65027237-79.3809433https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000
BFL CANADA Risk and Insurance Services Inc. 181 University Ave, Suite 1700 Toronto ONTARIOM5H3M7 CANADA******599-5530 43.6492592-79.3852966https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000
Partners Indemnity Insurance Brokers Ltd. 145 Adelaide Street West, Suite 300 Toronto ONTARIOM5H4E5 CANADA******366-5243 43.648892-79.3845926https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000
Tredd Insurance Brokers Inc. 1410-141 Adelaide Street West Toronto ONTARIOM5H3L5 CANADA******306-6000 43.6487722-79.3842619https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000
Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. 150 King St W, Suite 1900, Box 24 Toronto ONTARIOM5H1J9 CANADA******868-5500 43.6481-79.3844512https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000
Platform Insurance Management Inc. 440-20 Toronto Street Toronto ONTARIOM5H2B8 CANADA******434-4322 43.650244-79.3765641https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000
    "name": "Arthur J. Gallagher Canada Limited                                  ",
    "address": "80 Richmond Street West, Suite 700                    ",
    "city": "Toronto                  ",
    "state": "ONTARIO",
    "zip": "M5H2A4 ",
    "country": "CANADA",
    "phone": "******364-0393 ",
    "lat": "43.651232",
    "lng": "-79.382319",
    "url": "https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000"
    "name": "HUB International HKMB Limited                                      ",
    "address": "595 Bay Street, Suite 900, Box 81                     ",
    "city": "Toronto                  ",
    "state": "ONTARIO",
    "zip": "M5G2E3 ",
    "country": "CANADA",
    "phone": "******597-0008 ",
    "lat": "43.6561838",
    "lng": "-79.3830938",
    "url": "https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000"
    "name": "HUB International Ontario Limited                                   ",
    "address": "900-595 Bay St., Box 81                               ",
    "city": "Toronto                  ",
    "state": "ONTARIO",
    "zip": "M5G2E3 ",
    "country": "CANADA",
    "phone": "******367-1598 ",
    "lat": "43.6562198",
    "lng": "-79.3832909",
    "url": "https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000"
    "name": "HUB International Ontario Limited                                   ",
    "address": "595 Bay Street, Suite 900, Box 81                     ",
    "city": "Toronto                  ",
    "state": "ONTARIO",
    "zip": "M5G2E3 ",
    "country": "CANADA",
    "phone": "******597-0008 ",
    "lat": "43.6562199",
    "lng": "-79.3832908",
    "url": "https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000"
    "name": "Can-Sure Underwriting                                               ",
    "address": "2760 - 333 Bay Street                                   ",
    "city": "Toronto                  ",
    "state": "ONTARIO",
    "zip": "M5H2R2 ",
    "country": "CANADA",
    "phone": "******342-1880 ",
    "lat": "43.65027237",
    "lng": "-79.3809433",
    "url": "https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000"
    "name": "BFL CANADA Risk and Insurance Services Inc.                         ",
    "address": "181 University Ave, Suite 1700                        ",
    "city": "Toronto                  ",
    "state": "ONTARIO",
    "zip": "M5H3M7 ",
    "country": "CANADA",
    "phone": "******599-5530 ",
    "lat": "43.6492592",
    "lng": "-79.3852966",
    "url": "https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000"
    "name": "Partners Indemnity Insurance Brokers Ltd.                           ",
    "address": "145 Adelaide Street West, Suite 300                   ",
    "city": "Toronto                  ",
    "state": "ONTARIO",
    "zip": "M5H4E5 ",
    "country": "CANADA",
    "phone": "******366-5243 ",
    "lat": "43.648892",
    "lng": "-79.3845926",
    "url": "https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000"
    "name": "Tredd Insurance Brokers Inc.                                        ",
    "address": "1410-141 Adelaide Street West                           ",
    "city": "Toronto                  ",
    "state": "ONTARIO",
    "zip": "M5H3L5 ",
    "country": "CANADA",
    "phone": "******306-6000 ",
    "lat": "43.6487722",
    "lng": "-79.3842619",
    "url": "https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000"
    "name": "Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc.                                             ",
    "address": "150 King St W, Suite 1900, Box 24                     ",
    "city": "Toronto                  ",
    "state": "ONTARIO",
    "zip": "M5H1J9 ",
    "country": "CANADA",
    "phone": "******868-5500 ",
    "lat": "43.6481",
    "lng": "-79.3844512",
    "url": "https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000"
    "name": "Platform Insurance Management Inc.                                  ",
    "address": "440-20 Toronto Street                                   ",
    "city": "Toronto                  ",
    "state": "ONTARIO",
    "zip": "M5H2B8 ",
    "country": "CANADA",
    "phone": "******434-4322 ",
    "lat": "43.650244",
    "lng": "-79.3765641",
    "url": "https://******ins.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=en&action=store_search&lat=43.65323&lng=-79.38318&max_results=500&search_radius=1000"

Number of location by each state

State/TerritoryNumber Of Locations

Number of Northbridge Insurance locations in CANADA

download this data in CSV, Esri Shapefile, Excel, GeoJSON or KML (Google Earth) file formats.

Top 10 cities with the most number of Northbridge Insurance
locations in CANADA

CityState/TerritoryCity Total Locations
Toronto ONTARIO38
Markham ONTARIO19
Ottawa ONTARIO18
Mississauga ONTARIO16
Oakville ONTARIO13
Laval QUEBEC12
London ONTARIO11
Woodbridge ONTARIO10
Kitchener ONTARIO9
Windsor ONTARIO9

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Download the complete database of Northbridge Insurance locations in CANADA

You can download the complete list of 500 Northbridge Insurance location data as an Excel file, along with geo coded address, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
