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Number of Spec's locations in United States

Data updated on April 26, 2023
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Louis Steven Income Tax Center

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  • (718) 544-1182

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Top States with the most Spec's locations:



Location (100%)


Population: 29M
A location for every 201360 people, with about 100% of the total number of Spec's locations

How many Spec's locations are there in United States?

There are a total of 153 specsonline locations in United States as of April 26, 2023 The city with the most number of Spec's locations in the United States is Houston with 25 locations, which is 17% of all specsonline locations in United States.


Spec's Locations
in United States




Download Spec's Store Locations Dataset

You can download the full database of Spec's locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide

Addison 15055 Inwood Rd Addison TEXAS75001UNITED STATES OF AMERICA******9-5891 32.9536661-96.83123239999998https://******nline.com/location/addison/
Allen 1839 Central Expy N Allen TEXAS75013UNITED STATES OF AMERICA******8-3488 33.12512038026187-96.66531521726608https://******nline.com/location/allen/
Almeda 11130 Gulf Frwy Suite 500 Houston TEXAS77034UNITED STATES OF AMERICA******0-3941 29.6337789-95.23724219999995https://******nline.com/location/almeda/
Angleton 1201 N. Velasco Suite B Angelton TEXAS77515UNITED STATES OF AMERICA******4-3900 29.177914129033283-95.4348753555725https://******nline.com/location/angleton/
Arbor Walk 10515 N Mopac Expy Suite K Austin TEXAS78759UNITED STATES OF AMERICA******2-6893 30.38778674929913-97.73307255316767https://******nline.com/location/arbor-walk/
Arlington 3909 S Cooper St. Arlington TEXAS76015UNITED STATES OF AMERICA******5-5982 32.682075-97.13286599999998https://******nline.com/location/arlington/
Atascocita 7034 FM 1960 Atascocita TEXAS77346UNITED STATES OF AMERICA******2-3100 29.99694694182425-95.17240689213484https://******nline.com/location/atascocita/
Bandera 11751 Bandera Rd San Antonio TEXAS78250UNITED STATES OF AMERICA******7-7812 29.549704046973044-98.66918773732608https://******nline.com/location/bandera-road/
Barker Cypress 17996 FM 529 Houston TEXAS77095UNITED STATES OF AMERICA******6-4200 29.88042992672605-95.68289128346709https://******nline.com/location/barker-cypress/
Bastrop 739 Hwy 71 W Bastrop TEXAS78602UNITED STATES OF AMERICA******8-0250 30.114444-97.353603https://******nline.com/location/bastrop/
    "name": "Addison                              ",
    "address": "15055 Inwood Rd                             ",
    "city": "Addison                ",
    "state": "TEXAS",
    "zip": "75001",
    "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA",
    "phone": "******9-5891 ",
    "lat": "32.9536661",
    "lng": "-96.83123239999998",
    "url": "https://******nline.com/location/addison/                          "
    "name": "Allen                                ",
    "address": "1839 Central Expy N                         ",
    "city": "Allen                  ",
    "state": "TEXAS",
    "zip": "75013",
    "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA",
    "phone": "******8-3488 ",
    "lat": "33.12512038026187",
    "lng": "-96.66531521726608",
    "url": "https://******nline.com/location/allen/                            "
    "name": "Almeda                               ",
    "address": "11130 Gulf Frwy Suite 500                   ",
    "city": "Houston                ",
    "state": "TEXAS",
    "zip": "77034",
    "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA",
    "phone": "******0-3941 ",
    "lat": "29.6337789",
    "lng": "-95.23724219999995",
    "url": "https://******nline.com/location/almeda/                           "
    "name": "Angleton                             ",
    "address": "1201 N. Velasco Suite B                     ",
    "city": "Angelton               ",
    "state": "TEXAS",
    "zip": "77515",
    "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA",
    "phone": "******4-3900 ",
    "lat": "29.177914129033283",
    "lng": "-95.4348753555725",
    "url": "https://******nline.com/location/angleton/                         "
    "name": "Arbor Walk                           ",
    "address": "10515 N Mopac Expy Suite K                  ",
    "city": "Austin                 ",
    "state": "TEXAS",
    "zip": "78759",
    "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA",
    "phone": "******2-6893 ",
    "lat": "30.38778674929913",
    "lng": "-97.73307255316767",
    "url": "https://******nline.com/location/arbor-walk/                       "
    "name": "Arlington                            ",
    "address": "3909 S Cooper St.                           ",
    "city": "Arlington              ",
    "state": "TEXAS",
    "zip": "76015",
    "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA",
    "phone": "******5-5982 ",
    "lat": "32.682075",
    "lng": "-97.13286599999998",
    "url": "https://******nline.com/location/arlington/                        "
    "name": "Atascocita                           ",
    "address": "7034 FM 1960                                ",
    "city": "Atascocita             ",
    "state": "TEXAS",
    "zip": "77346",
    "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA",
    "phone": "******2-3100 ",
    "lat": "29.99694694182425",
    "lng": "-95.17240689213484",
    "url": "https://******nline.com/location/atascocita/                       "
    "name": "Bandera                              ",
    "address": "11751 Bandera Rd                            ",
    "city": "San Antonio            ",
    "state": "TEXAS",
    "zip": "78250",
    "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA",
    "phone": "******7-7812 ",
    "lat": "29.549704046973044",
    "lng": "-98.66918773732608",
    "url": "https://******nline.com/location/bandera-road/                     "
    "name": "Barker Cypress                       ",
    "address": "17996 FM 529                                ",
    "city": "Houston                ",
    "state": "TEXAS",
    "zip": "77095",
    "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA",
    "phone": "******6-4200 ",
    "lat": "29.88042992672605",
    "lng": "-95.68289128346709",
    "url": "https://******nline.com/location/barker-cypress/                   "
    "name": "Bastrop                              ",
    "address": "739 Hwy 71 W                                ",
    "city": "Bastrop                ",
    "state": "TEXAS",
    "zip": "78602",
    "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA",
    "phone": "******8-0250 ",
    "lat": "30.114444",
    "lng": "-97.353603",
    "url": "https://******nline.com/location/bastrop/                          "

Number of location by each state

State/TerritoryNumber Of Locations

Number of Spec's locations in United States

download this data in CSV, Esri Shapefile, Excel, GeoJSON or KML (Google Earth) file formats.

Top 10 cities with the most number of Spec's
locations in United States

CityState/TerritoryCity Total Locations
Houston TEXAS25
San Antonio TEXAS8
Austin TEXAS7
Spring TEXAS6
Dallas TEXAS5
El Paso TEXAS5
Corpus Christi TEXAS4
Fort Worth TEXAS4
College Station TEXAS3

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Download the complete database of Spec's locations in United States

You can download the complete list of 153 Spec's location data as an Excel file, along with geo coded address, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
