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Frequently asked questions

There are a total of 701 Chocolate cafes in India.

There are a total of 96 Chocolate cafes in Australia.

There are a total of 213 Chocolate cafes in United Kingdom.

There are a total of 338 Chocolate cafes in United States.

There are a total of 17 Chocolate cafes in Denmark.

There are a total of 341 Chocolate cafes in France.

There are a total of 81 Chocolate cafes in Germany.

There are a total of 47 Chocolate cafes in Ireland.

There are a total of 139 Chocolate cafes in Italy.

There are a total of 422 Chocolate cafes in Spain.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Sweden.

There are a total of 18 Chocolate cafes in Algeria.

There are a total of 129 Chocolate cafes in Argentina.

There are a total of 38 Chocolate cafes in Bolivia.

There are a total of 307 Chocolate cafes in Brazil.

There are a total of 127 Chocolate cafes in Chile.

There are a total of 170 Chocolate cafes in Colombia.

There are a total of 80 Chocolate cafes in Ecuador.

There are a total of 50 Chocolate cafes in Egypt.

There are a total of 50 Chocolate cafes in Greece.

There are a total of 493 Chocolate cafes in Indonesia.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in Iran.

There are a total of 19 Chocolate cafes in Iraq.

There are a total of 236 Chocolate cafes in Japan.

There are a total of 19 Chocolate cafes in Jordan.

There are a total of 392 Chocolate cafes in Mexico.

There are a total of 22 Chocolate cafes in Morocco.

There are a total of 13 Chocolate cafes in Nicaragua.

There are a total of 14 Chocolate cafes in Oman.

There are a total of 13 Chocolate cafes in Pakistan.

There are a total of 107 Chocolate cafes in Peru.

There are a total of 25 Chocolate cafes in Philippines.

There are a total of 56 Chocolate cafes in Poland.

There are a total of 23 Chocolate cafes in Portugal.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Qatar.

There are a total of 22 Chocolate cafes in Romania.

There are a total of 112 Chocolate cafes in Saudi Arabia.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in Taiwan.

There are a total of 65 Chocolate cafes in Thailand.

There are a total of 102 Chocolate cafes in Turkey.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in Ukraine.

There are a total of 46 Chocolate cafes in United Arab Emirates.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Uruguay.

There are a total of 74 Chocolate cafes in Venezuela.

There are a total of 45 Chocolate cafes in Vietnam.

There are a total of 25 Chocolate cafes in Malaysia.

There are a total of 88 Chocolate cafes in Canada.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Costa Rica.

There are a total of 62 Chocolate cafes in Belgium.

There are a total of 191 Chocolate cafes in England.

There are a total of 35 Chocolate cafes in New South Wales.

There are a total of 116 Chocolate cafes in Maharashtra.

There are a total of 58 Chocolate cafes in Uttar Pradesh.

There are a total of 61 Chocolate cafes in Gujarat.

There are a total of 59 Chocolate cafes in Tamil Nadu.

There are a total of 41 Chocolate cafes in Leinster.

There are a total of 47 Chocolate cafes in Community of Madrid.

There are a total of 29 Chocolate cafes in Valencian Community.

There are a total of 13 Chocolate cafes in Basque Country.

There are a total of 36 Chocolate cafes in Andalusia.

There are a total of 127 Chocolate cafes in Catalonia.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Capital Region of Denmark.

There are a total of 17 Chocolate cafes in Tuscany.

There are a total of 30 Chocolate cafes in Lombardy.

There are a total of 14 Chocolate cafes in Veneto.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Bavaria.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Berlin.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in North Rhine-Westphalia.

There are a total of 31 Chocolate cafes in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

There are a total of 93 Chocolate cafes in Île-de-France.

There are a total of 37 Chocolate cafes in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

There are a total of 40 Chocolate cafes in Occitania.

There are a total of 20 Chocolate cafes in Pays de la Loire.

There are a total of 23 Chocolate cafes in Brittany.

There are a total of 37 Chocolate cafes in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Grand Est.

There are a total of 23 Chocolate cafes in Hauts-de-France.

There are a total of 13 Chocolate cafes in Hyōgo Prefecture.

There are a total of 20 Chocolate cafes in Kanagawa Prefecture.

There are a total of 31 Chocolate cafes in Ōsaka Prefecture.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Saitama Prefecture.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Fukuoka Prefecture.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in San José Province.

There are a total of 20 Chocolate cafes in Texas.

There are a total of 29 Chocolate cafes in California.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in New Jersey.

There are a total of 17 Chocolate cafes in Pennsylvania.

There are a total of 18 Chocolate cafes in Illinois.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Michigan.

There are a total of 13 Chocolate cafes in Massachusetts.

There are a total of 26 Chocolate cafes in Florida.

There are a total of 13 Chocolate cafes in Colorado.

There are a total of 38 Chocolate cafes in New York.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Masovian Voivodeship.

There are a total of 20 Chocolate cafes in North Sumatra.

There are a total of 75 Chocolate cafes in Central Java.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in East Kalimantan.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Riau.

There are a total of 30 Chocolate cafes in Banten.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in South Kalimantan.

There are a total of 102 Chocolate cafes in West Java.

There are a total of 111 Chocolate cafes in East Java.

There are a total of 19 Chocolate cafes in Rio de Janeiro.

There are a total of 30 Chocolate cafes in Minas Gerais.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Goiás.

There are a total of 27 Chocolate cafes in Rio Grande do Sul.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Bahia.

There are a total of 25 Chocolate cafes in Santa Catarina.

There are a total of 75 Chocolate cafes in São Paulo.

There are a total of 33 Chocolate cafes in Paraná.

There are a total of 22 Chocolate cafes in Miranda.

There are a total of 26 Chocolate cafes in Attica Region.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Central Macedonia.

There are a total of 33 Chocolate cafes in Istanbul Province.

There are a total of 28 Chocolate cafes in Santiago Metropolitan Region.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Bío Bío Region.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Valparaíso.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Los Lagos Region.

There are a total of 23 Chocolate cafes in Riyadh Region.

There are a total of 20 Chocolate cafes in Makkah Region.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in Al Madinah Region.

There are a total of 20 Chocolate cafes in Eastern Province.

There are a total of 17 Chocolate cafes in Cundinamarca Department.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Risaralda Department.

There are a total of 27 Chocolate cafes in Antioquia Department.

There are a total of 28 Chocolate cafes in Santander Department.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Valle del Cauca Department.

There are a total of 17 Chocolate cafes in Guayas Province.

There are a total of 26 Chocolate cafes in Pichincha Province.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Montevideo Department.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Cairo Governorate.

There are a total of 24 Chocolate cafes in Oaxaca.

There are a total of 45 Chocolate cafes in México.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Chiapas.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in Nuevo León.

There are a total of 23 Chocolate cafes in San Luis Potosí.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Veracruz.

There are a total of 14 Chocolate cafes in Guanajuato.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Coahuila.

There are a total of 17 Chocolate cafes in Michoacán.

There are a total of 18 Chocolate cafes in Puebla.

There are a total of 18 Chocolate cafes in Bangkok.

There are a total of 21 Chocolate cafes in Santa Fe Province.

There are a total of 17 Chocolate cafes in Córdoba Province.

There are a total of 26 Chocolate cafes in Mendoza.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in La Libertad.

There are a total of 14 Chocolate cafes in Ho Chi Minh City.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Ohio.

There are a total of 26 Chocolate cafes in Jalisco.

There are a total of 22 Chocolate cafes in Tokyo.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in Central Kalimantan.

There are a total of 78 Chocolate cafes in Mexico City.

There are a total of 31 Chocolate cafes in Ontario.

There are a total of 32 Chocolate cafes in Quebec.

There are a total of 13 Chocolate cafes in British Columbia.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Scotland.

There are a total of 27 Chocolate cafes in Victoria.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Queensland.

There are a total of 23 Chocolate cafes in Haryana.

There are a total of 26 Chocolate cafes in Telangana.

There are a total of 29 Chocolate cafes in Rajasthan.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in Punjab.

There are a total of 24 Chocolate cafes in Andhra Pradesh.

There are a total of 62 Chocolate cafes in Delhi.

There are a total of 70 Chocolate cafes in Karnataka.

There are a total of 20 Chocolate cafes in Kerala.

There are a total of 18 Chocolate cafes in Bihar.

There are a total of 32 Chocolate cafes in Madhya Pradesh.

There are a total of 32 Chocolate cafes in West Bengal.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Ankara Province.

There are a total of 13 Chocolate cafes in Arequipa.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Cusco.

There are a total of 24 Chocolate cafes in Lima.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Ica.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Chhattisgarh.

There are a total of 84 Chocolate cafes in Madrid Province.

There are a total of 14 Chocolate cafes in Madrid.

There are a total of 68 Chocolate cafes in Barcelona.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Copenhagen.

There are a total of 69 Chocolate cafes in Paris.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Rennes.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in Nice.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Chicago.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Boston.

There are a total of 25 Chocolate cafes in New York City.

There are a total of 13 Chocolate cafes in Malang.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Porto Alegre.

There are a total of 20 Chocolate cafes in Curitiba.

There are a total of 19 Chocolate cafes in Athens.

There are a total of 20 Chocolate cafes in Santiago.

There are a total of 20 Chocolate cafes in Riyadh.

There are a total of 13 Chocolate cafes in Jeddah.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in Pereira.

There are a total of 14 Chocolate cafes in Bucaramanga.

There are a total of 12 Chocolate cafes in Guayaquil.

There are a total of 25 Chocolate cafes in Quito.

There are a total of 15 Chocolate cafes in Montevideo.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Cairo.

There are a total of 22 Chocolate cafes in Oaxaca.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Morelia.

There are a total of 14 Chocolate cafes in Puebla.

There are a total of 18 Chocolate cafes in Bangkok.

There are a total of 14 Chocolate cafes in Mendoza.

There are a total of 14 Chocolate cafes in Ho Chi Minh City.

There are a total of 16 Chocolate cafes in Zapopan.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Brisbane.

There are a total of 50 Chocolate cafes in Mumbai.

There are a total of 21 Chocolate cafes in Pune.

There are a total of 21 Chocolate cafes in Hyderabad.

There are a total of 62 Chocolate cafes in Delhi.

There are a total of 51 Chocolate cafes in Bengaluru.

There are a total of 13 Chocolate cafes in Chennai.

There are a total of 25 Chocolate cafes in Kolkata.

There are a total of 22 Chocolate cafes in Tokyo.

There are a total of 20 Chocolate cafes in Osaka.

There are a total of 32 Chocolate cafes in Istanbul.

There are a total of 11 Chocolate cafes in Ankara.

There are a total of 78 Chocolate cafes in Mexico City.

There are a total of 17 Chocolate cafes in Rosario.

There are a total of 24 Chocolate cafes in Lima.

There are a total of 61 Chocolate cafes in London.

There are a total of 1050 Chocolate cafes in South America.

There are a total of 887 Chocolate cafes in North America.

There are a total of 104 Chocolate cafes in Oceania.

There are a total of 1599 Chocolate cafes in Europe.

There are a total of 144 Chocolate cafes in Africa.

There are a total of 2052 Chocolate cafes in Asia.

There are a total of 46 Chocolate cafes in Southeast Europe.

There are a total of 19 Chocolate cafes in Western Africa.

There are a total of 636 Chocolate cafes in Southern Europe.

There are a total of 739 Chocolate cafes in Southern Asia.

There are a total of 443 Chocolate cafes in Central America.

There are a total of 18 Chocolate cafes in Caribbean.

There are a total of 516 Chocolate cafes in Western Europe.

There are a total of 388 Chocolate cafes in Western Asia.

There are a total of 257 Chocolate cafes in Eastern Asia.

There are a total of 426 Chocolate cafes in Northern America.

There are a total of 106 Chocolate cafes in Northern Africa.

There are a total of 667 Chocolate cafes in South Eastern Asia.

There are a total of 293 Chocolate cafes in Northern Europe.

There are a total of 82 Chocolate cafes in Central Europe.

There are a total of 26 Chocolate cafes in Eastern Europe.

There are a total of 104 Chocolate cafes in Australia and New Zealand.