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There are a total of 2066 Primary schools in Australia.
There are a total of 861 Primary schools in Canada.
There are a total of 28396 Primary schools in India.
There are a total of 3231 Primary schools in Pakistan.
There are a total of 2908 Primary schools in South Africa.
There are a total of 21559 Primary schools in United Kingdom.
There are a total of 2359 Primary schools in United States.
There are a total of 4101 Primary schools in Indonesia.
There are a total of 550 Primary schools in Ireland.
There are a total of 480 Primary schools in Malaysia.
There are a total of 2361 Primary schools in Mexico.
There are a total of 742 Primary schools in Netherlands.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Austria.
There are a total of 200 Primary schools in Belgium.
There are a total of 92 Primary schools in Finland.
There are a total of 503 Primary schools in France.
There are a total of 1628 Primary schools in Germany.
There are a total of 455 Primary schools in Italy.
There are a total of 56 Primary schools in Norway.
There are a total of 390 Primary schools in Spain.
There are a total of 175 Primary schools in Sweden.
There are a total of 55 Primary schools in Afghanistan.
There are a total of 78 Primary schools in Angola.
There are a total of 149 Primary schools in Argentina.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Belarus.
There are a total of 2840 Primary schools in Brazil.
There are a total of 238 Primary schools in Cambodia.
There are a total of 142 Primary schools in Cameroon.
There are a total of 32 Primary schools in Chile.
There are a total of 277 Primary schools in Colombia.
There are a total of 44 Primary schools in Democratic Republic of the Congo.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in Croatia (Hrvatska).
There are a total of 77 Primary schools in Cuba.
There are a total of 108 Primary schools in Greece.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Guinea.
There are a total of 39 Primary schools in Guyana.
There are a total of 43 Primary schools in Haiti.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Honduras.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Hungary.
There are a total of 1511 Primary schools in Iran.
There are a total of 1309 Primary schools in Iraq.
There are a total of 344 Primary schools in Japan.
There are a total of 110 Primary schools in Jordan.
There are a total of 1541 Primary schools in Kenya.
There are a total of 39 Primary schools in Lebanon.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Liberia.
There are a total of 205 Primary schools in Libya.
There are a total of 121 Primary schools in Malawi.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Mali.
There are a total of 57 Primary schools in Mauritius.
There are a total of 380 Primary schools in Morocco.
There are a total of 116 Primary schools in Mozambique.
There are a total of 514 Primary schools in Myanmar.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Namibia.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Nicaragua.
There are a total of 3428 Primary schools in Nigeria.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Oman.
There are a total of 188 Primary schools in Peru.
There are a total of 756 Primary schools in Philippines.
There are a total of 680 Primary schools in Poland.
There are a total of 46 Primary schools in Qatar.
There are a total of 74 Primary schools in Romania.
There are a total of 174 Primary schools in Russia.
There are a total of 606 Primary schools in Saudi Arabia.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Senegal.
There are a total of 85 Primary schools in Serbia.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Sierra Leone.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Slovenia.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Somalia.
There are a total of 340 Primary schools in South Korea .
There are a total of 99 Primary schools in Sri Lanka.
There are a total of 361 Primary schools in Sudan.
There are a total of 410 Primary schools in Syria.
There are a total of 410 Primary schools in Taiwan.
There are a total of 513 Primary schools in Tanzania.
There are a total of 156 Primary schools in Thailand.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Togo.
There are a total of 120 Primary schools in Tunisia.
There are a total of 793 Primary schools in Turkey.
There are a total of 369 Primary schools in Uganda.
There are a total of 78 Primary schools in Ukraine.
There are a total of 99 Primary schools in United Arab Emirates.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Uruguay.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Uzbekistan.
There are a total of 179 Primary schools in Venezuela.
There are a total of 763 Primary schools in Vietnam.
There are a total of 128 Primary schools in Yemen.
There are a total of 284 Primary schools in Zambia.
There are a total of 617 Primary schools in Algeria.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Bahrain.
There are a total of 3412 Primary schools in Bangladesh.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Benin.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Bolivia.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Bulgaria.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Burkina Faso.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in Cyprus.
There are a total of 89 Primary schools in Czech Republic.
There are a total of 56 Primary schools in Dominican Republic.
There are a total of 144 Primary schools in Ecuador.
There are a total of 1646 Primary schools in Egypt.
There are a total of 192 Primary schools in Ethiopia.
There are a total of 238 Primary schools in Ghana.
There are a total of 158 Primary schools in Israel.
There are a total of 39 Primary schools in Botswana.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Costa Rica.
There are a total of 60 Primary schools in Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast).
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in East Timor.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Gabon.
There are a total of 56 Primary schools in Jamaica.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Laos.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Papua new Guinea.
There are a total of 61 Primary schools in Portugal.
There are a total of 125 Primary schools in Rwanda.
There are a total of 169 Primary schools in Singapore.
There are a total of 95 Primary schools in Slovakia.
There are a total of 290 Primary schools in Zimbabwe.
There are a total of 18586 Primary schools in China.
There are a total of 351 Primary schools in New Zealand.
There are a total of 153 Primary schools in Switzerland.
There are a total of 579 Primary schools in Ontario.
There are a total of 158 Primary schools in Quebec.
There are a total of 1235 Primary schools in Gauteng.
There are a total of 2061 Primary schools in Scotland.
There are a total of 17522 Primary schools in England.
There are a total of 1155 Primary schools in Wales.
There are a total of 483 Primary schools in Victoria.
There are a total of 166 Primary schools in South Australia.
There are a total of 346 Primary schools in Queensland.
There are a total of 341 Primary schools in Western Australia.
There are a total of 580 Primary schools in New South Wales.
There are a total of 431 Primary schools in Haryana.
There are a total of 2730 Primary schools in Maharashtra.
There are a total of 869 Primary schools in Telangana.
There are a total of 1598 Primary schools in Odisha.
There are a total of 921 Primary schools in Rajasthan.
There are a total of 315 Primary schools in Punjab.
There are a total of 759 Primary schools in Uttarakhand.
There are a total of 836 Primary schools in Andhra Pradesh.
There are a total of 3380 Primary schools in Uttar Pradesh.
There are a total of 553 Primary schools in Jharkhand.
There are a total of 1725 Primary schools in Karnataka.
There are a total of 1059 Primary schools in Assam.
There are a total of 572 Primary schools in Kerala.
There are a total of 2426 Primary schools in Gujarat.
There are a total of 2249 Primary schools in Tamil Nadu.
There are a total of 1118 Primary schools in Bihar.
There are a total of 1216 Primary schools in Madhya Pradesh.
There are a total of 477 Primary schools in Chhattisgarh.
There are a total of 4056 Primary schools in West Bengal.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Saskatchewan.
There are a total of 44 Primary schools in British Columbia.
There are a total of 502 Primary schools in KwaZulu-Natal.
There are a total of 270 Primary schools in Eastern Cape.
There are a total of 356 Primary schools in Western Cape.
There are a total of 266 Primary schools in Leinster.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Ulster.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Maryland.
There are a total of 282 Primary schools in Texas.
There are a total of 43 Primary schools in Oregon.
There are a total of 260 Primary schools in California.
There are a total of 60 Primary schools in New Jersey.
There are a total of 74 Primary schools in Pennsylvania.
There are a total of 111 Primary schools in Illinois.
There are a total of 68 Primary schools in Virginia.
There are a total of 177 Primary schools in Florida.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in South Carolina.
There are a total of 61 Primary schools in North Carolina.
There are a total of 131 Primary schools in New York.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Tennessee.
There are a total of 80 Primary schools in Georgia.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Louisiana.
There are a total of 64 Primary schools in Washington.
There are a total of 99 Primary schools in Utrecht.
There are a total of 132 Primary schools in North Holland.
There are a total of 431 Primary schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
There are a total of 1898 Primary schools in Punjab.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Tasmania.
There are a total of 62 Primary schools in Manipur.
There are a total of 226 Primary schools in Himachal Pradesh.
There are a total of 85 Primary schools in Tripura.
There are a total of 87 Primary schools in Ohio.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Oslo.
There are a total of 162 Primary schools in Munster.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Community of Madrid.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Andalusia.
There are a total of 153 Primary schools in Catalonia.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Brussels-Capital Region.
There are a total of 77 Primary schools in Uusimaa.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Västra Götaland County.
There are a total of 83 Primary schools in Stockholm County.
There are a total of 69 Primary schools in Lombardy.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Vienna.
There are a total of 56 Primary schools in Schleswig-Holstein.
There are a total of 141 Primary schools in Baden-Württemberg.
There are a total of 124 Primary schools in Lower Saxony.
There are a total of 108 Primary schools in Bavaria.
There are a total of 142 Primary schools in Berlin.
There are a total of 82 Primary schools in Hamburg.
There are a total of 597 Primary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia.
There are a total of 96 Primary schools in Hesse.
There are a total of 59 Primary schools in Rhineland-Palatinate.
There are a total of 81 Primary schools in Saxony.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
There are a total of 128 Primary schools in Île-de-France.
There are a total of 70 Primary schools in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
There are a total of 60 Primary schools in Occitania.
There are a total of 54 Primary schools in Pays de la Loire.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Normandy.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Brittany.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Centre-Val de Loire.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Grand Est.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Hauts-de-France.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Khomas Region.
There are a total of 111 Primary schools in Uasin Gishu District.
There are a total of 103 Primary schools in Trans-Nzoia District.
There are a total of 54 Primary schools in Luanda Province.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Havana Province.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Benue State.
There are a total of 129 Primary schools in Federal Capital Territory.
There are a total of 92 Primary schools in Kaduna State.
There are a total of 107 Primary schools in Kwara State.
There are a total of 238 Primary schools in Oyo State.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Plateau State.
There are a total of 130 Primary schools in Abia State.
There are a total of 124 Primary schools in Imo State.
There are a total of 127 Primary schools in Ekiti State.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Cross River State.
There are a total of 96 Primary schools in Anambra State.
There are a total of 92 Primary schools in Delta State.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Niger State.
There are a total of 118 Primary schools in Edo State.
There are a total of 154 Primary schools in Ondo State.
There are a total of 229 Primary schools in Osun State.
There are a total of 125 Primary schools in Ogun State.
There are a total of 223 Primary schools in Central Region.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Dakar.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Zagreb.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Chiba Prefecture.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Aichi Prefecture.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Hyōgo Prefecture.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Kanagawa Prefecture.
There are a total of 45 Primary schools in Ōsaka Prefecture.
There are a total of 83 Primary schools in Fukuoka Prefecture.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in White Nile.
There are a total of 155 Primary schools in Khartoum.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Al Jazirah.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in South Darfur.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Western Area.
There are a total of 160 Primary schools in Free State.
There are a total of 104 Primary schools in Limpopo.
There are a total of 145 Primary schools in North West.
There are a total of 110 Primary schools in Mpumalanga.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Managua Department.
There are a total of 58 Primary schools in Amman Governorate.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Zarqa Governorate.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Budapest.
There are a total of 31 Primary schools in Soccsksargen.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Cordillera Administrative Region.
There are a total of 57 Primary schools in Davao Region.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Cagayan Valley.
There are a total of 84 Primary schools in Central Luzon.
There are a total of 73 Primary schools in Metro Manila.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Ilocos Region.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Kansas.
There are a total of 34 Primary schools in Kentucky.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in Minnesota.
There are a total of 60 Primary schools in Michigan.
There are a total of 49 Primary schools in Massachusetts.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Arizona.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Connecticut.
There are a total of 34 Primary schools in Wisconsin.
There are a total of 46 Primary schools in Colorado.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Alabama.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Nevada.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Dodoma Region.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Kilimanjaro Region.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Mara Region.
There are a total of 39 Primary schools in Morogoro Region.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Mwanza Region.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Ruvuma Region.
There are a total of 93 Primary schools in Tanga Region.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Iringa Region.
There are a total of 38 Primary schools in Arusha Region.
There are a total of 149 Primary schools in Silesian Voivodeship.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Pomeranian Voivodeship.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Podlaskie Voivodeship.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in West Pomeranian Voivodeship.
There are a total of 44 Primary schools in Greater Poland Voivodeship.
There are a total of 165 Primary schools in Masovian Voivodeship.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Lublin Voivodeship.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Maluku.
There are a total of 433 Primary schools in Central Java.
There are a total of 84 Primary schools in East Kalimantan.
There are a total of 38 Primary schools in Lampung.
There are a total of 47 Primary schools in South Kalimantan.
There are a total of 1107 Primary schools in West Java.
There are a total of 630 Primary schools in East Java.
There are a total of 104 Primary schools in West Sumatra.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Saint Petersburg.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in Moscow Oblast.
There are a total of 73 Primary schools in Moscow.
There are a total of 54 Primary schools in Kuala Lumpur.
There are a total of 133 Primary schools in Copperbelt Province.
There are a total of 273 Primary schools in Rio de Janeiro.
There are a total of 207 Primary schools in Minas Gerais.
There are a total of 116 Primary schools in Rio Grande do Sul.
There are a total of 104 Primary schools in Bahia.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Piauí.
There are a total of 53 Primary schools in Mato Grosso.
There are a total of 76 Primary schools in Maranhão.
There are a total of 63 Primary schools in Espírito Santo.
There are a total of 727 Primary schools in São Paulo.
There are a total of 263 Primary schools in Paraná.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Miranda.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Lara.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Bolívar.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Carabobo.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Zulia.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Aragua.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in West Greece Region.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Crete Region.
There are a total of 49 Primary schools in Attica Region.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in Central Macedonia.
There are a total of 81 Primary schools in Mandalay Region.
There are a total of 138 Primary schools in Yangon Region.
There are a total of 40 Primary schools in Bago.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Mon State.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Mersin Province.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Bursa Province.
There are a total of 188 Primary schools in Istanbul Province.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Şanlıurfa Province.
There are a total of 32 Primary schools in Kocaeli Province.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Kayseri Province.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Hatay Province.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Tunis Governorate.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Sousse Governorate.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Maritime.
There are a total of 39 Primary schools in Centre.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Littoral.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Conakry.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Kinshasa.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Demerara-Mahaica.
There are a total of 68 Primary schools in Western Province.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Santiago Metropolitan Region.
There are a total of 110 Primary schools in Riyadh Region.
There are a total of 133 Primary schools in Makkah Region.
There are a total of 77 Primary schools in Al Madinah Region.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in Tabuk Region.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in 'Asir Region.
There are a total of 105 Primary schools in Eastern Province.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Al Jawf Region.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Al-Qassim Region.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Cundinamarca Department.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Norte de Santander Department.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Risaralda Department.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Atlántico Department.
There are a total of 32 Primary schools in Tolima Department.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Antioquia Department.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Santander Department.
There are a total of 47 Primary schools in Valle del Cauca Department.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Hama Governorate.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Homs Governorate.
There are a total of 38 Primary schools in Al-Raqqah Governorate.
There are a total of 120 Primary schools in Aleppo Governorate.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Misrata District.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Montserrado County.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Muscat Governorate.
There are a total of 53 Primary schools in Central Region.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Northern Region.
There are a total of 49 Primary schools in Southern Region.
There are a total of 112 Primary schools in Azad Kashmir.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Balochistan.
There are a total of 682 Primary schools in Sindh.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Doha.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Montevideo Department.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in Plaines Wilhems District.
There are a total of 110 Primary schools in Casablanca-Settat.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Fès-Meknès.
There are a total of 82 Primary schools in Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Maputo.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Abu Dhabi Emirate.
There are a total of 40 Primary schools in Kaohsiung.
There are a total of 40 Primary schools in Tainan.
There are a total of 104 Primary schools in Taipei.
There are a total of 63 Primary schools in Chihuahua.
There are a total of 68 Primary schools in Oaxaca.
There are a total of 78 Primary schools in Sinaloa.
There are a total of 333 Primary schools in México.
There are a total of 56 Primary schools in Chiapas.
There are a total of 87 Primary schools in Nuevo León.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Tabasco.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Querétaro.
There are a total of 89 Primary schools in Baja California.
There are a total of 87 Primary schools in Guerrero.
There are a total of 73 Primary schools in San Luis Potosí.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Zacatecas.
There are a total of 67 Primary schools in Tamaulipas.
There are a total of 256 Primary schools in Veracruz.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Morelos.
There are a total of 31 Primary schools in Quintana Roo.
There are a total of 74 Primary schools in Sonora.
There are a total of 84 Primary schools in Guanajuato.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Hidalgo.
There are a total of 82 Primary schools in Michoacán.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Campeche.
There are a total of 40 Primary schools in Puebla.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Nayarit.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in Bangkok.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in Córdoba Province.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Mendoza.
There are a total of 34 Primary schools in Vojvodina.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Nghệ An.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Bình Thuận.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Bến Tre.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Thái Nguyên.
There are a total of 84 Primary schools in Hanoi.
There are a total of 155 Primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Quảng Ninh.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Lâm Đồng.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Đồng Nai.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Đắk Lắk.
There are a total of 87 Primary schools in Gyeonggi Province.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Seoul.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in North Jeolla Province.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in North Chungcheong Province.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in North Gyeongsang Province.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in South Jeolla Province.
There are a total of 34 Primary schools in South Gyeongsang Province.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Busan.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Kabul.
There are a total of 61 Primary schools in Markazi Province.
There are a total of 155 Primary schools in Khuzestan Province.
There are a total of 53 Primary schools in Gilan Province.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Qom Province.
There are a total of 62 Primary schools in Isfahan Province.
There are a total of 58 Primary schools in West Azarbaijan Province.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Lorestan Province.
There are a total of 160 Primary schools in Hormozgan Province.
There are a total of 53 Primary schools in Mazandaran Province.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Fars Province.
There are a total of 79 Primary schools in Kerman Province.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in East Azerbaijan Province.
There are a total of 69 Primary schools in Tehran Province.
There are a total of 78 Primary schools in Dhi Qar Governorate.
There are a total of 76 Primary schools in Babylon Governorate.
There are a total of 104 Primary schools in Al-Qādisiyyah Governorate.
There are a total of 72 Primary schools in Karbala Governorate.
There are a total of 131 Primary schools in Baghdad Governorate.
There are a total of 155 Primary schools in Basra Governorate.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Saladin Governorate.
There are a total of 129 Primary schools in Najaf Governorate.
There are a total of 113 Primary schools in Nineveh Governorate.
There are a total of 67 Primary schools in Diyala Governorate.
There are a total of 64 Primary schools in Maysan Governorate.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Wasit Governorate.
There are a total of 86 Primary schools in Phnom Penh.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Francisco Morazán Department.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Ouest.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Ljubljana City Municipality.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in Bucharest.
There are a total of 78 Primary schools in Jalisco.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Huila Department.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Amhara Region.
There are a total of 68 Primary schools in Ashanti Region.
There are a total of 99 Primary schools in Greater Accra Region.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Nicosia District.
There are a total of 365 Primary schools in Chittagong Division.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Okinawa Prefecture.
There are a total of 59 Primary schools in Djelfa Province.
There are a total of 32 Primary schools in Chlef Province.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Tiaret Province.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Biskra.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Tébessa Province.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Ouargla Province.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Sétif Province.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Batna Province.
There are a total of 79 Primary schools in Algiers Province.
There are a total of 45 Primary schools in Central District.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Southern District.
There are a total of 67 Primary schools in Tel Aviv District.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Oklahoma.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in District of Columbia.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Indiana.
There are a total of 56 Primary schools in Missouri.
There are a total of 209 Primary schools in North Sumatra.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Central Kalimantan.
There are a total of 105 Primary schools in South Sulawesi.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in West Papua.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in North Maluku.
There are a total of 109 Primary schools in Jakarta.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Riau Islands.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in North Sulawesi.
There are a total of 147 Primary schools in Riau.
There are a total of 218 Primary schools in Banten.
There are a total of 53 Primary schools in Central Sulawesi.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Jambi.
There are a total of 84 Primary schools in South Sumatra.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in East Nusa Tenggara.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Bangka Belitung Islands.
There are a total of 133 Primary schools in Aceh.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in North Kalimantan.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in Bali.
There are a total of 183 Primary schools in Special Region of Yogyakarta.
There are a total of 80 Primary schools in Goiás.
There are a total of 47 Primary schools in Sergipe.
There are a total of 54 Primary schools in Paraíba.
There are a total of 134 Primary schools in Pernambuco.
There are a total of 124 Primary schools in Pará.
There are a total of 31 Primary schools in Mato Grosso do Sul.
There are a total of 118 Primary schools in Santa Catarina.
There are a total of 98 Primary schools in Ceará.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Federal District.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Tocantins.
There are a total of 61 Primary schools in Guayas Province.
There are a total of 49 Primary schools in Pichincha Province.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Centre.
There are a total of 149 Primary schools in Cairo Governorate.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Damietta Governorate.
There are a total of 79 Primary schools in Aswan Governorate.
There are a total of 109 Primary schools in Sohag Governorate.
There are a total of 109 Primary schools in Monufia Governorate.
There are a total of 106 Primary schools in Beni Suef Governorate.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Suez Governorate.
There are a total of 73 Primary schools in Gharbia Governorate.
There are a total of 105 Primary schools in Asyut Governorate.
There are a total of 158 Primary schools in Giza Governorate.
There are a total of 90 Primary schools in Beheira Governorate.
There are a total of 142 Primary schools in Minya Governorate.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Ismailia Governorate.
There are a total of 157 Primary schools in Dakahlia Governorate.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Cochabamba Department.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Santo Domingo Province.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Prague.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Moravian-Silesian Region.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in South Moravian Region.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Sofia City Province.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Nebraska.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Iowa.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Idaho.
There are a total of 336 Primary schools in Delhi.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Alberta.
There are a total of 72 Primary schools in Australian Capital Territory.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in Northern Territory.
There are a total of 58 Primary schools in Meghalaya.
There are a total of 83 Primary schools in Goa.
There are a total of 45 Primary schools in Nagaland.
There are a total of 39 Primary schools in Oromia Region.
There are a total of 65 Primary schools in Addis Ababa.
There are a total of 156 Primary schools in Kakamega County.
There are a total of 87 Primary schools in Kisii County.
There are a total of 137 Primary schools in Kisumu County.
There are a total of 131 Primary schools in Kilifi County.
There are a total of 247 Primary schools in Kiambu County.
There are a total of 322 Primary schools in Mombasa County.
There are a total of 148 Primary schools in Nakuru District.
There are a total of 86 Primary schools in Kigali district.
There are a total of 197 Primary schools in Enugu State.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Sokoto State.
There are a total of 78 Primary schools in Kano State.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Nasarawa State.
There are a total of 136 Primary schools in Akwa Ibom State.
There are a total of 528 Primary schools in Lagos.
There are a total of 40 Primary schools in Borno State.
There are a total of 62 Primary schools in Gombe State.
There are a total of 45 Primary schools in Ebonyi State.
There are a total of 59 Primary schools in Bauchi State.
There are a total of 100 Primary schools in Katsina State.
There are a total of 143 Primary schools in Northern Region.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Tokyo.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Irbid Governorate.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Vientiane Prefecture.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in El Oued Province.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Oran Province.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Oum El Bouaghi Province.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in San José Province.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Caraga.
There are a total of 64 Primary schools in Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Jerusalem District.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Zanzibar Urban/West Region.
There are a total of 121 Primary schools in Dar es Salaam Region.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in Southeast Sulawesi.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in West Nusa Tenggara.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Sabah.
There are a total of 92 Primary schools in Sarawak.
There are a total of 62 Primary schools in Penang.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Perak.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Kelantan.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Negeri Sembilan.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Johor.
There are a total of 70 Primary schools in Bulawayo Province.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Midlands Province.
There are a total of 143 Primary schools in Harare Province.
There are a total of 97 Primary schools in Lusaka Province.
There are a total of 59 Primary schools in Amazonas.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Rondônia.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Anzoátegui.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Denizli Province.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Antalya Province.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Konya Province.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Adana Province.
There are a total of 70 Primary schools in Ankara Province.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Samsun Province.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Sfax Governorate.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Abidjan.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Estuaire Province.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in South Kivu.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Northern Borders Region.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Meta.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Damascus Governorate.
There are a total of 40 Primary schools in Tripoli District.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Benghazi.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in South-East District.
There are a total of 60 Primary schools in Islamabad Capital Territory.
There are a total of 68 Primary schools in Alexandria Governorate.
There are a total of 40 Primary schools in Dubai.
There are a total of 73 Primary schools in Taichung.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Taoyuan City.
There are a total of 43 Primary schools in Durango.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Aguascalientes.
There are a total of 129 Primary schools in Coahuila.
There are a total of 247 Primary schools in Mexico City.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Samut Prakan.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Chon Buri.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Santa Fe Province.
There are a total of 69 Primary schools in Lima.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Piura.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Saint Catherine Parish.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Haiphong.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Da Nang.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Tây Ninh.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Daegu.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Daejeon.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Ulsan.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Gwangju.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Sejong City.
There are a total of 34 Primary schools in Golestan Province.
There are a total of 56 Primary schools in Ardabil Province.
There are a total of 67 Primary schools in Yazd Province.
There are a total of 40 Primary schools in Qazvin Province.
There are a total of 70 Primary schools in Kirkuk Governorate.
There are a total of 44 Primary schools in Battambang Province.
There are a total of 44 Primary schools in Puducherry.
There are a total of 58 Primary schools in Jammu and Kashmir.
There are a total of 63 Primary schools in Mizoram.
There are a total of 54 Primary schools in Bratislava Region.
There are a total of 43 Primary schools in Central Singapore Community Development Council.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in Kiev.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Port Moresby.
There are a total of 59 Primary schools in Adamawa State.
There are a total of 243 Primary schools in Rangpur Division.
There are a total of 694 Primary schools in Rajshahi Division.
There are a total of 261 Primary schools in Mymensingh Division.
There are a total of 927 Primary schools in Dhaka Division.
There are a total of 101 Primary schools in Sylhet Division.
There are a total of 702 Primary schools in Khulna Division.
There are a total of 119 Primary schools in Barisal Division.
There are a total of 82 Primary schools in Calabarzon.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Western Visayas.
There are a total of 55 Primary schools in Eastern Visayas.
There are a total of 84 Primary schools in Flanders.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Lower Silesian Voivodeship.
There are a total of 80 Primary schools in Lesser Poland Voivodeship.
There are a total of 81 Primary schools in Canton of Geneva.
There are a total of 60 Primary schools in Tuscany.
There are a total of 53 Primary schools in Emilia-Romagna.
There are a total of 65 Primary schools in Kayin State.
There are a total of 64 Primary schools in İzmir Province.
There are a total of 581 Primary schools in Zhejiang.
There are a total of 560 Primary schools in Fujian.
There are a total of 103 Primary schools in Shanghai.
There are a total of 558 Primary schools in Jiangsu.
There are a total of 993 Primary schools in Anhui.
There are a total of 1586 Primary schools in Shandong.
There are a total of 530 Primary schools in Jilin.
There are a total of 726 Primary schools in Shanxi.
There are a total of 681 Primary schools in Jiangxi.
There are a total of 111 Primary schools in Beijing.
There are a total of 828 Primary schools in Hunan.
There are a total of 1610 Primary schools in Henan.
There are a total of 743 Primary schools in Yunnan.
There are a total of 517 Primary schools in Guizhou.
There are a total of 115 Primary schools in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.
There are a total of 285 Primary schools in Xinjiang.
There are a total of 477 Primary schools in Heilongjiang.
There are a total of 459 Primary schools in Liaoning.
There are a total of 194 Primary schools in Inner Mongolia.
There are a total of 93 Primary schools in Qinghai.
There are a total of 293 Primary schools in Chongqing.
There are a total of 482 Primary schools in Shaanxi.
There are a total of 176 Primary schools in Hainan.
There are a total of 901 Primary schools in Hubei.
There are a total of 863 Primary schools in Gansu.
There are a total of 872 Primary schools in Sichuan.
There are a total of 801 Primary schools in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
There are a total of 1519 Primary schools in Guangdong.
There are a total of 923 Primary schools in Hebei.
There are a total of 821 Primary schools in Northern Ireland.
There are a total of 81 Primary schools in Gelderland.
There are a total of 186 Primary schools in South Holland.
There are a total of 65 Primary schools in Overijssel.
There are a total of 119 Primary schools in North Brabant.
There are a total of 54 Primary schools in Kafr el-Sheikh Governorate.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Marrakesh-Safi.
There are a total of 68 Primary schools in Ilam Province.
There are a total of 96 Primary schools in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province.
There are a total of 66 Primary schools in Zanjan Province.
There are a total of 140 Primary schools in Bushehr Province.
There are a total of 109 Primary schools in Al Anbar Governorate.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Siem Reap Province.
There are a total of 52 Primary schools in Wellington Region.
There are a total of 65 Primary schools in Canterbury Region.
There are a total of 178 Primary schools in Auckland Region.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Hamilton.
There are a total of 244 Primary schools in Toronto.
There are a total of 563 Primary schools in Mumbai.
There are a total of 65 Primary schools in Rajkot.
There are a total of 83 Primary schools in Bangaon.
There are a total of 954 Primary schools in Kolkata.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Townsville.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Burlington.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Gatineau.
There are a total of 135 Primary schools in Ottawa.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Saskatoon.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Sherbrooke.
There are a total of 194 Primary schools in Aberdeen.
There are a total of 49 Primary schools in Arnold.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in Ashford.
There are a total of 72 Primary schools in Ashton-under-Lyne.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Banbury.
There are a total of 77 Primary schools in Barnsley.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Barrow in Furness.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Barry.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Basildon.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Basingstoke.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Bath.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Bicester.
There are a total of 362 Primary schools in Birmingham.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Bishops Stortford.
There are a total of 64 Primary schools in Blackburn.
There are a total of 90 Primary schools in Bolton.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Boston.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Bournemouth.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Bracknell.
There are a total of 174 Primary schools in Bradford.
There are a total of 148 Primary schools in Bristol.
There are a total of 72 Primary schools in Bury.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Bury St Edmunds.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Cambridge.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in Cannock.
There are a total of 99 Primary schools in Cardiff.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Carlisle.
There are a total of 52 Primary schools in Chelmsford.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Chesterfield.
There are a total of 47 Primary schools in Coalville.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Colchester.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Corby.
There are a total of 95 Primary schools in Coventry.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Crewe.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in Darlington.
There are a total of 62 Primary schools in Derby.
There are a total of 98 Primary schools in Doncaster.
There are a total of 45 Primary schools in Dover.
There are a total of 101 Primary schools in Dumfries.
There are a total of 39 Primary schools in Dundee.
There are a total of 109 Primary schools in Edinburgh.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Exeter.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Falkirk.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Fareham.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Giffnock.
There are a total of 32 Primary schools in Gillingham.
There are a total of 167 Primary schools in Glasgow.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Gloucester.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Grantham.
There are a total of 31 Primary schools in Harlow.
There are a total of 78 Primary schools in Harrogate.
There are a total of 32 Primary schools in Hartlepool.
There are a total of 53 Primary schools in Hemel Hempstead.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Hertford.
There are a total of 56 Primary schools in High Wycombe.
There are a total of 47 Primary schools in Horsham.
There are a total of 39 Primary schools in Ipswich.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Kettering.
There are a total of 66 Primary schools in King's Lynn.
There are a total of 234 Primary schools in Leeds.
There are a total of 98 Primary schools in Leicester.
There are a total of 46 Primary schools in Lichfield.
There are a total of 455 Primary schools in Liverpool.
There are a total of 68 Primary schools in Livingston.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in Llanelli.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Longsight.
There are a total of 53 Primary schools in Luton.
There are a total of 53 Primary schools in Maidstone.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Mansfield.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Melton Mowbray.
There are a total of 40 Primary schools in Middlesbrough.
There are a total of 49 Primary schools in Newcastle under Lyme.
There are a total of 83 Primary schools in Newcastle upon Tyne.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Newport.
There are a total of 64 Primary schools in Northampton.
There are a total of 70 Primary schools in Nottingham.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Oldham.
There are a total of 39 Primary schools in Oxford.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Paisley.
There are a total of 67 Primary schools in Perth.
There are a total of 57 Primary schools in Peterborough.
There are a total of 72 Primary schools in Plymouth.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Pontypridd.
There are a total of 72 Primary schools in Preston.
There are a total of 79 Primary schools in Reading.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Redcar.
There are a total of 72 Primary schools in Rochdale.
There are a total of 89 Primary schools in Rotherham.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Royal Leamington Spa.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Royal Tunbridge Wells.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Rugby.
There are a total of 87 Primary schools in Salford.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Salisbury.
There are a total of 143 Primary schools in Sheffield.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Shrewsbury.
There are a total of 55 Primary schools in Sittingbourne.
There are a total of 53 Primary schools in Southampton.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in St Albans.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Stafford.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Stevenage.
There are a total of 79 Primary schools in Stockport.
There are a total of 62 Primary schools in Stockton-on-Tees.
There are a total of 69 Primary schools in Stoke-on-Trent.
There are a total of 80 Primary schools in Sunderland.
There are a total of 74 Primary schools in Swindon.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Tamworth.
There are a total of 44 Primary schools in Taunton.
There are a total of 110 Primary schools in Wakefield.
There are a total of 53 Primary schools in Wallsend.
There are a total of 93 Primary schools in Walsall.
There are a total of 72 Primary schools in Warrington.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Watford.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Welwyn Garden City.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in West Bridgford.
There are a total of 49 Primary schools in Winchester.
There are a total of 80 Primary schools in Wolverhampton.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Worcester.
There are a total of 49 Primary schools in Worksop.
There are a total of 60 Primary schools in York.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Agartala.
There are a total of 101 Primary schools in Agra.
There are a total of 175 Primary schools in Ahmedabad.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Amreli.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Angul.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Bareilly.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Bellary.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Bharuch.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Bhiwani.
There are a total of 90 Primary schools in Bhopal.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Bhuj.
There are a total of 32 Primary schools in Bijapur.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Bulandshahr.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Peoria.
There are a total of 554 Primary schools in Johannesburg.
There are a total of 336 Primary schools in Chennai.
There are a total of 69 Primary schools in Coimbatore.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Cuttack.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Darbhanga.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Dispur.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Disa.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Erode.
There are a total of 66 Primary schools in Faridabad.
There are a total of 38 Primary schools in Firozabad.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Godhra.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Gondal.
There are a total of 46 Primary schools in Gorakhpur.
There are a total of 47 Primary schools in Guntur.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Gurgaon.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Guwahati.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Gandhidham.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Hisar.
There are a total of 62 Primary schools in Hubli.
There are a total of 355 Primary schools in Hyderabad.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Imphal.
There are a total of 64 Primary schools in Indore.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Jabalpur.
There are a total of 78 Primary schools in Jaipur.
There are a total of 45 Primary schools in Jalandhar.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Jetpur.
There are a total of 82 Primary schools in Jodhpur.
There are a total of 107 Primary schools in Kanpur.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Kolhapur.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Latur.
There are a total of 59 Primary schools in Lucknow.
There are a total of 128 Primary schools in Madurai.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Mangalore.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Mathura.
There are a total of 52 Primary schools in Meerut.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Morbi.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Muzaffarpur.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Mysore.
There are a total of 107 Primary schools in Nagpur.
There are a total of 44 Primary schools in Nanded.
There are a total of 88 Primary schools in Nashik.
There are a total of 31 Primary schools in Nellore.
There are a total of 47 Primary schools in Noida.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Panruti.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Pathankot.
There are a total of 126 Primary schools in Patna.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Porbandar.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Pudukkottai.
There are a total of 126 Primary schools in Pune.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Palanpur.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Raichur.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Raipur.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Ranchi.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Satara.
There are a total of 38 Primary schools in Shimoga.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Singrauli.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Surendranagar.
There are a total of 83 Primary schools in Surat.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Thanjavur.
There are a total of 46 Primary schools in Tiruchirappalli.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in Tirunelveli.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Tiruppur.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Tiruvannamalai.
There are a total of 84 Primary schools in Vadodara.
There are a total of 79 Primary schools in Varanasi.
There are a total of 44 Primary schools in Vellore.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Visnagar.
There are a total of 56 Primary schools in Asansol.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Baduria.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Balurghat.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Bankura.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Durgapur.
There are a total of 94 Primary schools in Habra.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Jalpaiguri.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Kharagpur.
There are a total of 58 Primary schools in Krishnanagar.
There are a total of 46 Primary schools in Medinipur.
There are a total of 67 Primary schools in Raiganj.
There are a total of 60 Primary schools in Ranaghat.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Raniganj.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Oslo.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Madrid.
There are a total of 86 Primary schools in Barcelona.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Brussels.
There are a total of 62 Primary schools in Helsinki.
There are a total of 62 Primary schools in Stockholm.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Vienna.
There are a total of 31 Primary schools in Stuttgart.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Hannover.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Bielefeld.
There are a total of 32 Primary schools in Duisburg.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Essen.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Wuppertal.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Frankfurt am Main.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Wiesbaden.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Dresden.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Leipzig.
There are a total of 44 Primary schools in Paris.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Lyon.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Le Mans.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Nantes.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Marseille.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Windhoek.
There are a total of 111 Primary schools in Eldoret.
There are a total of 103 Primary schools in Kitale.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Havana.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Makurdi.
There are a total of 98 Primary schools in Abuja.
There are a total of 47 Primary schools in Zaria.
There are a total of 62 Primary schools in Ilorin.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Ogbomoso.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Jos.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Umuahia.
There are a total of 43 Primary schools in Aba.
There are a total of 66 Primary schools in Owerri.
There are a total of 54 Primary schools in Ado-Ekiti.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Calabar.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in Onitsha.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Awka.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Warri.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Benin City.
There are a total of 99 Primary schools in Akure.
There are a total of 57 Primary schools in Osogbo.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Abeokuta.
There are a total of 154 Primary schools in Kampala.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Zagreb.
There are a total of 78 Primary schools in Kitakyushu.
There are a total of 63 Primary schools in Omdurman.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Nyala.
There are a total of 88 Primary schools in Bloemfontein.
There are a total of 43 Primary schools in Polokwane.
There are a total of 52 Primary schools in Rustenburg.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Newcastle.
There are a total of 222 Primary schools in Durban.
There are a total of 272 Primary schools in Pretoria.
There are a total of 77 Primary schools in East London.
There are a total of 168 Primary schools in Port Elizabeth.
There are a total of 58 Primary schools in Amman.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Budapest.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Davao.
There are a total of 73 Primary schools in Manila.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Baltimore.
There are a total of 45 Primary schools in Dallas.
There are a total of 72 Primary schools in Los Angeles.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in San Diego.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in San Francisco.
There are a total of 58 Primary schools in Chicago.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Boston.
There are a total of 43 Primary schools in Phoenix.
There are a total of 67 Primary schools in Miami.
There are a total of 65 Primary schools in New York City.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Las Vegas.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Dodoma.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Moshi.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Musoma.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Morogoro.
There are a total of 32 Primary schools in Mwanza.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Songea.
There are a total of 88 Primary schools in Tanga.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Iringa.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Arusha.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Katowice.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Szczecin.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Lublin.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Ambon.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Balikpapan.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in Bandar Lampung.
There are a total of 111 Primary schools in Bogor.
There are a total of 84 Primary schools in Bandung.
There are a total of 72 Primary schools in Bekasi.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Blitar.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Bukittinggi.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Saint Petersburg.
There are a total of 73 Primary schools in Moscow.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Kuala Lumpur.
There are a total of 44 Primary schools in Ndola.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Chingola.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in Kitwe.
There are a total of 82 Primary schools in Porto Alegre.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Teresina.
There are a total of 45 Primary schools in Athens.
There are a total of 60 Primary schools in Mandalay.
There are a total of 137 Primary schools in Yangon.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Tunis.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Sousse.
There are a total of 38 Primary schools in Douala.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Conakry.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Kinshasa.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Georgetown.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Colombo.
There are a total of 73 Primary schools in Riyadh.
There are a total of 51 Primary schools in Ta’if.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Jeddah.
There are a total of 67 Primary schools in Mecca.
There are a total of 70 Primary schools in Medina.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in Tabuk.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Abha.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Khamis Mushait.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Dammam.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Buraydah.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Pereira.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Homs.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Ar Raqqah.
There are a total of 49 Primary schools in Aleppo.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Bani Walid.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Monrovia.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Muscat.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Abbottabad.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in Kohat.
There are a total of 50 Primary schools in Mardan.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in Dera Ismail Khan.
There are a total of 80 Primary schools in Peshawar.
There are a total of 31 Primary schools in Kotli.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Quetta.
There are a total of 182 Primary schools in Karachi.
There are a total of 38 Primary schools in Hyderabad.
There are a total of 65 Primary schools in Dadu.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Khairpur Nathan Shah.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Larkana.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Shikarpur.
There are a total of 67 Primary schools in Lahore.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Wazirabad.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Multan.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Dera Ghazi Khan.
There are a total of 67 Primary schools in Hafizabad.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Khanpur.
There are a total of 112 Primary schools in Khushab.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Pakpattan.
There are a total of 100 Primary schools in Okara.
There are a total of 124 Primary schools in Sahiwal.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Sargodha.
There are a total of 38 Primary schools in Chakwal.
There are a total of 30 Primary schools in Muzaffargarh.
There are a total of 43 Primary schools in Sialkot.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Chiniot.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Bahawalnagar.
There are a total of 106 Primary schools in Gujrat.
There are a total of 85 Primary schools in Faisalabad.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Doha.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Montevideo.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in Beau Bassin-Rose Hill.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Maputo.
There are a total of 40 Primary schools in Kaohsiung.
There are a total of 40 Primary schools in Tainan.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Oaxaca.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Texcoco de Mora.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in Ecatepec de Morelos.
There are a total of 45 Primary schools in Tuxtla.
There are a total of 35 Primary schools in Monterrey.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Ciudad Apodaca.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Guadalupe.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Centro.
There are a total of 38 Primary schools in Tijuana.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Ensenada.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Mexicali.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Reynosa.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Heroica Matamoros.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Ciudad Victoria.
There are a total of 70 Primary schools in Veracruz.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Coatzacoalcos.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Orizaba.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Irapuato.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Pachuca de Soto.
There are a total of 74 Primary schools in Morelia.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Puebla.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Tepic.
There are a total of 41 Primary schools in Bangkok.
There are a total of 84 Primary schools in Hanoi.
There are a total of 155 Primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Seoul.
There are a total of 26 Primary schools in Busan.
There are a total of 46 Primary schools in Rasht.
There are a total of 61 Primary schools in Al Ḩillah.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Karbala.
There are a total of 106 Primary schools in Baghdad.
There are a total of 96 Primary schools in Basrah.
There are a total of 46 Primary schools in Kufa.
There are a total of 102 Primary schools in Mosul.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Baqubah.
There are a total of 86 Primary schools in Phnom Penh.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Tegucigalpa.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Port-au-Prince.
There are a total of 48 Primary schools in Ljubljana.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Bucharest.
There are a total of 34 Primary schools in Zapopan.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Neiva.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Kumasi.
There are a total of 99 Primary schools in Accra.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Nicosia.
There are a total of 27 Primary schools in Djelfa.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Chlef.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Tiaret.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Biskra.
There are a total of 79 Primary schools in Algiers.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Tel Aviv.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Austin.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in San Antonio.
There are a total of 24 Primary schools in Portland.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Sacramento.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in San Jose.
There are a total of 36 Primary schools in Detroit.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in St. Louis.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Atlanta.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Seattle.
There are a total of 107 Primary schools in Medan.
There are a total of 15 Primary schools in Sorong.
There are a total of 92 Primary schools in Semarang.
There are a total of 32 Primary schools in Surakarta.
There are a total of 11 Primary schools in Kedungwuni.
There are a total of 28 Primary schools in Tegal.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Ungaran.
There are a total of 37 Primary schools in Samarinda.
There are a total of 109 Primary schools in Jakarta.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Tanjung Pinang.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Manado.
There are a total of 126 Primary schools in Pekanbaru.
There are a total of 20 Primary schools in Dumai.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in South Tangerang.
There are a total of 38 Primary schools in Serang.
There are a total of 71 Primary schools in Tangerang.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Kota Jambi.
There are a total of 42 Primary schools in Palembang.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Lubuklinggau.
There are a total of 12 Primary schools in Kupang.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in Lhokseumawe.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Langsa.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Tarakan.
There are a total of 44 Primary schools in Cirebon.
There are a total of 29 Primary schools in Tasikmalaya.
There are a total of 23 Primary schools in Denpasar.
There are a total of 22 Primary schools in Madiun.
There are a total of 54 Primary schools in Surabaya.
There are a total of 16 Primary schools in Pasuruan.
There are a total of 19 Primary schools in Probolinggo.
There are a total of 38 Primary schools in Malang.
There are a total of 45 Primary schools in Padang.
There are a total of 183 Primary schools in Yogyakarta.
There are a total of 62 Primary schools in Belo Horizonte.
There are a total of 13 Primary schools in Juiz de Fora.
There are a total of 33 Primary schools in Salvador.
There are a total of 18 Primary schools in Feira de Santana.
There are a total of 32 Primary schools in Aracaju.
There are a total of 14 Primary schools in Campina Grande.
There are a total of 101 Primary schools in Recife.
There are a total of 17 Primary schools in Caruaru.
There are a total of 25 Primary schools in Campo Grande.
There are a total of 21 Primary schools in Sorocaba.
There are a total of 31 Primary schools in Campinas.
There are a total of 80 Primary schools in Curitiba.
There are a total of 58 Primary schools in Londrina.